Amazing Speaker Series℠
Love how you sound.
You ARE Amazing.
English isn't your native language. Yet, you speak English daily at work and in your life. You rise because you constantly challenge yourself to be better than your best. You are a true leader with the heart of a champion. want to sound like the BEST version of yourself.
Deep down, you have this feeling that your English isn't "good enough." You aren't as self-expressed, clear or as polished as you would like to be. You wonder if you sound like the "expert." You worry that you aren't always understood. You wish you could feel like YOU - in front of people; in English.
Perseverance is probably your middle name. Never a quitter, you are looking for a solution!
It's time for a new journey.
It's time to develop the key leadership competency of Effective Communication.
Living into your greatest leadership potential requires you to become THE instrument of communication.
We welcome you to The Amazing Speaker Series℠ where you will grow communication skills BEYOND English.
Our mission? To help the brightest, global minds to communicate clearly, confidently and effectively.
It's time to be the leader you KNOW you are; everywhere, all the time. Carpe Diem. Sieze the Day.
What is The Amazing Speaker Series?
A Complete Solution.
Quality Learning. Sustainable Change. Proven Process.
The Amazing Speaker Series℠ is a comprehensive, interactive, 6-month online program for non-native English speakers who desire to grow into their fullest speaking potential while tapping into their inner power to effectively communicate in today’s world.
Proven Results Include Improved:
1. Verbal Delivery Clarity & Impact
2. Personal Brand
3. Self-Expression
4. Confidence
This renowned program was created by communication expert, concert pianist and opera singer, Mariam Haddad. Our process is enriched by the lifelong experiences of top performing artists, bel canto opera singers and conductors.
Fix how you hear, think & speak in 3 steps.
1. Learn
2. Build
Gain the knowledge you need.
Expert feedback loops & guidance.
Reformat your vocal instrument and habits. Technical practice & voice building exercise.
3. Perform
Evolve sustainable skills in performance.
Applied practice in 5 performance projects.
Rise Higher. Achieve Mastery. Grow Artistry.
Our process-driven approach draws on cutting edge neuroscience, cognitive linguistics and the performing arts.
This complete, integrated solution will correct root problems in a way that converts knowledge into measurable skill, sustainably.
This 6-Month Program includes:
80 hours of Learning
6 Skill Centers
48 Lessons
Self-Paced Video Led Workouts
Applied Learning & Performance Level Work
5 Performance Projects to Build in Foundational Learning
Live Group Webinar Bonuses
, Assessments / Expert Feedback & Live Group Coaching / Master Classes Available Dependent on Package
Suggested Learner Time: 30 minutes per day, 5 days per week
Free Plan
Get Started for Free!
$0 per month
Making your Voice Heard
Access to The Amazing Speaker Forum
One-on-One Chat
(1) 30 Minute Needs Discussion
Program Details
Standard Track
Improve communication between native & non-native speakers.
$150 per month
Unlimited Access to All Content
Bonus! 2 Live Webinar Sessions
5 Applied Learning Communication Performance Projects
Program Details
Leader Track
You Lead Meetings & Need to Improve Public Speaking.
$300 per month
Expert Feedback
2 Skill Assessments with Customized Learning Plan plus Next Steps
Program Details
Presenter Track
You present to larger audiences & boards.
$450 per month
6 HotSeat Group Coaching Calls
4 Live, Small Group Communication MasterClass Sessions
Impact Survey Process
Program Details
Watch a Demo
Hear What Our Customers Are Saying About Us
Marisa Gomez, MD Ph.D., Assistant Researcher from FIOCRUZ.
" The Amazing Speaker Series℠ Say It with Power! is a strong tool that will improve your verbal communications and help you be more successful. I also believe, it is valuable for anybody who communicates on a daily basis in English. I totally recommend it!"