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How would you feel if you were an amazing speaker?

The Amazing

Speaker Series℠


We will make you love how you sound.

How will you do it?

With our proprietary and proven processes, we will help you learn, build and perform your way to being confident and captivating.

6 Skill Centers, 48 Lessons, Self-Paced Video Led Workouts & 5 Applied Learning Performance Projects

Be Heard. Be Understood. Be Remembered.

Let your leadership, expertise, and talent shine through.
Say it with Power! Rise Higher.
Graduates of this leadership communication development program for non-native English speakers results in increased effectiveness, greater productivity and reduced re-work. 
This 6-Month Program includes:
  • 80 hours of Learning • 6 Skill Centers • 48 Lessons
  • Self-Paced Video Led Workouts
  • 40+ Self-Paced Video Learning Lessons, Quizzes, Bonus Interactive Live Learning Sessions
Applied Learning & Performance
  • 5 Applied Learning Projects Posted to the Forum with Comprehensive, Expert Feedback
  • Expert Feedback on Leader & Presenter Tracks Only
  • 5 Performance Projects to Build in Foundational Learning
  • Live Group Webinar Bonuses
  • Assessments / Expert Feedback & Live Group Coaching / Master Classes Available Dependent on Package
  • 30+ Vocal Exercises and Workout Sessions
Suggested Learner Time: 30 minutes per day, 5 days per week 

Proven results include improved:


Speaking & Listening Fluency


Voice Quality


Vocal Storytelling


Personal Brand

What is The Amazing Speaker Series?

A Complete Solution.

The Amazing Speaker Series℠  is a comprehensive, interactive, 6-month online program for non-native English speakers who desire to grow into their fullest speaking potential while tapping into their inner power to effectively communicate in today’s world.


It's time for a new journey.

It's time to develop the key leadership competency of Effective Communication. Living into your greatest leadership potential requires you to become THE instrument of communication. 


We welcome you to The Amazing Speaker Series℠ where you will grow communication skills BEYOND English. Our mission? To help the brightest, global minds to communicate clearly, confidently and effectively.


It's time to be the leader you KNOW you are; everywhere, all the time. Carpe Diem. Sieze the Day. 

Plan Section

You have three paths to choose from…

All plans include: • Webinar: Make your voice heard • Access to The Amazing Speaker Series

• One-On-One Chat • (1) 30 Minute Needs Discussion • The Amazing Speaker Forum

Standard Track

Improve communication between native & non-native speakers.

  • Unlimited Access to All Content

  • Monthly Live Interactive Webinar Session

  • 5 Applied Learning Communication Performance Projects


Leader Track

You lead meetings & need to improve public speaking

Standard Plan Plus:

  • Expert Feedback

  • 2 Skill Assessments with Customized Learning Plan plus Next Steps


Presenter Track

You present to larger audiences & boards.

Leader Track Plus:

  • 6 HotSeat Group Coaching Calls

  • 4 Live, Small Group Communication MasterClass Sessions

  • Impact Survey Process


Need approval to be sponsored by your organization? No problem. Here you go!

Our leaders are everywhere.

Ask for Management Sponsorship

Hear what our customers are saying about us

"The Amazing Speaker Series℠ Say it with Power! is a strong tool will improve your verbal communications and help you be more successful. I also believe, it is valuable for anybody who communicates on a daily basis in English. I totally recommend it!"

Most common questions…

How long is the program?

Recommended Duration: 6 Months

The 6-month program duration is based on a daily minimum average of 30 minutes of learning and practice time, 5 days a week.

How are we different?

We believe you are the instrument of communication. The power of your speaking ability happens when the listener can easily hear you, understand you, and remember what you said. 


The process and method you use in building skills matter. We perform how we prepare. 

We meet learners where they are, and our approach helps them learn to make gains that produce lasting change fast.


Our unique and integrated approach draws on key elements of cutting-edge neuroscience and learning techniques, instrumental and operatic performance, cognitive linguistics and world-class speaking techniques that help you acquire the skills needed to create higher communication performance even in the most difficult and demanding circumstances.


When combined in the right process and order, this proven method will increase your ability to own your communication in every setting.

What skills will I gain?

Skill 1: English Speech, Listening & Fluency

  1. Integrated ability to think, hear and speak English at a sustainable performance level.

  2. See written English, know what the sound should be and generate the correct sounds.

  3. Improve your ability to easily hear and understand varied, global forms of spoken English.

Skill 2: Speaking Voice

  1. Gain conscious control of your speaking voice.

  2. Develop a compelling speaking sound that keeps people listening.

  3. Generate clear sounding speech that is easy to hear and understand. Correct and improve your pronunciation. Overcome problematic accent issues that reduce the effectiveness of your spoken words.

  4. Manage volume and projection effectively for varied communication settings and scenarios.

Skill 3: Vocal Storytelling

  1. Optimize audience connection, understanding and interpretation of your meaning through professional phrasing techniques.

  2. Understand how to drive impact through speed control, dynamics and speaking range

  3. Utilize emotional tone purposefully to create buy-in and belief

Skill 4: Personal Brand

  1. Speak authentically and confidently allowing your true voice to shine through.

  2. Develop a distinct speaking sound that represents your true identity and voice.

  3. Build and prepare your performances as performing artists do to maximize confidence and freedom in front of others.

Will I work with people?

The short answer is yes.  In all plans, you can gain feedback from fellow students using our forum feature.  Expert feedback is provided by our world class set of instructors in the Leader and Presenter track. 


Private, tailored coaching sessions can be purchased separately and integrated with your learning journey.

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